Twin Cities, MN

Parenting Consulting FAQs

Parenting Consulting Frequently Asked QuestionsHere are a number of questions that we get about the parenting consulting process. If you don’t find the information that you’re seeking here, please Contact Us through our contact form or call 612.599.8366.

Questions about Parenting Consulting


What issues can a Parenting Consultant help us with?
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PCs assist clients with any issue they need help resolving. This includes (but is not limited to) parenting time, finances, parent’s alleged chemical dependency, discipline, kids’ communication with the off duty parent, medical decisions, schooling, and right of first refusal.

If we don’t have any current issues to deal with, does it still make sense to hire a Parenting Consultant?
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Yes. It can take quite a while to get the parenting consultant appointment in place so it’s a good idea to start the process well in advance.

What is the process to appoint a PC?
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Parenting Consultants are appointed by a court order with the PC’s name on it. Contact your attorney on how to do this. If you don’t have an attorney, Erin will be happy to provide you a court order template and give you information on how to get the order executed.

How long is a Parenting Consultant appointed for?
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Typically PCs are appointed for a 2 year time period but you may agree to any length of appointment you feel comfortable with.

How much does it cost?
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The Parenting Consultant charges an hourly rate for in session time and requires a deposit worth 10 hours of time. Out of session time is charged against the deposit. You will receive a bill each month detailing the time charged against the deposit.

Who pays the Parenting Consultant?
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The parties agree on how the PC is paid. Typically fees are split 50/50 or according to the PICS percentage used to determine child support. Joint session fees are split by the parties; individual sessions are paid in full by the participating party.

Do I have to pay for the time my ex spends talking to the PC?
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Generally fees are split between the parties. However, the PC can allocate fees to one party if he or she requires more of the PC’s time.

What is the process?
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Once the PC is appointed via court order, we meet for a joint orientation session to discuss the process. The Parenting Consultant then meets with each of you individually to hear “your side” of the story and identify any issues that may need resolving. After this the PC facilitates communication between the parents in an effort to get you to come to agreement. If agreement can’t be reached you can request the Parenting Consultant make a decision for you.

Why should we hire a Parenting Consultant instead of going to court to have our issue(s) resolved?
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The PC process is less expensive and more efficient than going to court. It also allows parents to spend the sufficient time working through the issues and presenting their proposals than they are allowed to do when they go to court.

What decision making process does the Parenting Consultant use?
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PCs take into account a variety of information before issuing a decision. This includes (but is not limited to) each parent’s wishes, the children’s wishes, and information gained from talking with family members. Parenting Consultants may also conduct independent research, such as talking with doctors to help make medical decisions or teachers for assistance in school decisions. All PC decisions will be issued in writing and the rationale behind the decision made will be included.

Do I need an attorney?
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Attorneys are not typically included in the Parenting Consulting process once the PC is appointed.

What if my kids refuse to visit the other parent?
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The PC will work with you to ensure both parents have a significant relationship with their children. Parenting Consultants can also meet with the children if that will help resolve the issue.

I think my ex is turning my kids against me. What can I do?
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The PC will work with you to ensure both parents have a significant relationship with their children. Parenting Consultants can also meet with the children if that will help resolve the issue.

If a Parenting Consultant issues a decision I am unhappy with, what can I do?
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You have 14 days to appeal any PC decision to a judge for review.

Can we have the Parenting Consultant removed from our case if we are unhappy with him/her?
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Yes, if both parties agree they want the PC removed.

We hope that we have answered your questions here. If you have any other questions about Parenting Consulting, please feel free to contact us through our contact form or by telephone at 612.599.8366 for a confidential conversation.